The Palace of the Pandava Brothers Set in Fire, 1775 by Fattu - FAMOUS INDIAN ART - HANDMADE OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS
"The Palace of the Pandava Brothers Set Ablaze" is a minature painting from the Bhagavat Purana Series, 1775 and is attributed to Manaku's son, Fattu of Guler. The theme of the painting centres around the enmity between two families - the Pandavas and the Kauravas. The Kauravas planned to kill the Pandavas and built a palace made of lac, oil and other inflammable things in a place called Varnavadham. The Pandavas were invited to stay at the palace but decided to escape on learning of the imminent threat. They went in search of a tunnel and found one that led outside the palace. As they escaped they also set fire to the palace but unbeknownst to them Purochana was roaming about in the palace and there were also five hunter brothers and their mother who had come to the palace that day to take shelter from a storm outside. The painting shows the fire set by the Pandavas which accidentally burnt Purochana and the hunter family. Red flames and smoke engulf the palace under the starry night sky.
This is an image of the famous artwork. We will hand paint a beautiful reproduction of this masterpiece in the size below.
Size: 52 (h) x 74 cm (w)
20 in (h) x 29 in (w)
(Custom Sizes Available. Contact Us)
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Material: Oil Paint on Canvas
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