At Father Lathville by Edouard Manet- Famous Art - Handmade Oil Painting on Canvas
“At Father Lathuille” is one of the finest works of Edouard Manet. It was completed in 1879. It also highlighted his reputation as one of the greatest Impressionists, alongside his close friend, Claude Monet. It features a couple sitting on a dining table outside a café or a restaurant. There are looking at each other’s eyes while chatting. In the background, a man is posed, looking straight at the them as though envious or simply thrilled by such romance.
This is an image of the famous artwork. We will hand paint a beautiful reproduction of this masterpiece in the size below.
Size: 91 cm (h) x 112 cm(w)
35 in (h) x 44 in (w)
(Custom Sizes Available. Contact Us)
Support the Artist - Love Art
Material: Oil Paint on Canvas
- Satisfaction Guarantee
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- Hand Made by Talented Artist
- Not a Print
- High Quality